Nectars Bowling News and Schedule!

2002-2003 Scores

Below is the Bowling schedule for the Nectars Whirlpool Corporation Bowling League!


Nectars Bowling Scores 2002-2003

1st Half Scores Here
2nd Half Scores Here


Night Mark Jerry Bill Todd Tony Wes Keith Wins
8/28 552 595 612 Off* 530 SUB Off* 4
9/4 464 466 Off 452 527 Off* 461 1
9/11 544 501 Off 516 Off 493 480 3
9/18 564 Off* 594 Off 602 511 490 3
9/25 502 567 563 497 Off Off* 492 1
10/2 549 Off 569 551 515 574 Off 1
10/9 554 Off 632 537 495 Off 481 4
10/16 535 580 Off Off 589 580 529 3
10/23 547 536 569 593 703 Off Off 4
10/30 Off 541 602 517 Off 531 504 1
11/6 504 Off 593 592 574 Off 533 3
11/13 537 545 Off 681 490 Off 518 2
11/20 524 616 592 551 Off Off 484 3
11/27 568 545 596 Off 570 506 Off 2
12/4 592 Off Off 640 602 583 541 2
12/11 581 667 627 574 561# 593# Off 3
 Avg 180.4 186.6 198.5 186.1 187.8 181.4 167.1 2.50
Last Year Avg 175.6 188.0 188.1 178.4 N/A 174.7 158.0
Offs 1 5 5 4 4 8 5

# Score is prorated, Tony Paid and bowled 1 game, Wes bowled 2 games

* Designates requested nights off and will not be able to sub

Color Coded Scoring Key

Below Average
16 or more Pins Below Average
 +/- 15 Pins
Above Average
16-49 Pins Above Average
50+ Pins Over Average

Regular Bowlers

Name Phone
Mark Jaske 923-3080
Jerry Jaske 429-5074
Bill Babor 923-6933
Todd Melton 923-4629
Wes Sonnenberg 923-6189
Keith Carr 428-7032
Tony Macholtz 923-6537

Sub List

Name Number
Bill Meeker 429-5113
Bob Small 923-6377
Tim Sykora 923-5995
John Dorn 429-8019
Pat McCarty 923-7368

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