Nectars Whirlpool Bowling 2006-2007 Schedule!

Below is the Bowling schedule for the Nectars Whirlpool Corporation Bowling League!


Nectars 2nd Half Bowling Schedule 2006-2007
(Updated 4/15/07) - Color Key Here

*** We are LEAGUE CHAMPIONS 2006-2007 ***
*** We are 2nd Half LEAGUE CHAMPIONS ***

1st Half Scores are Here
If you need a night off, Call Wes at x6189 or try and switch nights off with someone that is scheduled off or try our sub list.

Night Mark Jerry Bill Todd Tony Kraig Keith Mike Wins
12/20 549 Off 635 Off Off 348 WES 564 4
12/27 Off* 619 568 Blind Off 381 Off* 610 4
1/3 493 527 589 445 Off 317 Off* Off 0
1/10 433 576 Off 572 Off Off WES 486 4
1/17 531 477 585 499 Off Off 514 Off* 3
1/24 Off 622 727 Off Off 354 471 526 2.5
1/31 608 587 563 Blind Off Off 484 Off 3
2/7 538 706 Off 528 Off 395 Off 597 4
2/14 525 Off 583 573 Off Off 446 527 2
2/21 Off 581 662 Off Off 407 551 579 1
2/28 537 560 606 649 Off Off 598 Off 3
3/7 465 591 Off 656 Off 400 Off 491 1
3/14 494 Off 582 630 Off Off 571 516 3
3/21 501 663 675 522 Off 342 Off Off 4
3/28 512 507 569 Off Off Off 502 508 1
4/4 575 505 514 506 Off Off Off 492 4
4/11 504 563 534 503 Off Off Off 615 3
AVG. 168.8 187.6 197.4 186.1 00.0 128.9 163.1 177.5
167.5 201.4 186.5 188.5 197.0 189.5 166.7 N/A
180.3 201.1 198.8 194.6 198.0 192.1 173.2 174.2
178.8 193.3 190.5 187.0 187.3 164.8 164.5 N/A
183.5 192.9 198.3 182.5 186.8 185.8 166.0 185.0
01-02 Avg 175.6 188.0 188.1 178.4 N/A 174.7 158.0 N/A
Offs 4 4 4 4 16 7 7 4

* Designates requested nights off and will not be able to sub

1st Half Scores are Here

Color Coded Scoring Key

Below Average
16 or more Pins Below Average
 +/- 15 Pins
Above Average
16-49 Pins Above Average
50+ Pins Over Average

Regular Bowlers

Name Phone
Mark Jaske 923-3080
Jerry Jaske 429-5074
Bill Babor 923-6933
Todd Melton 923-4629
Tony Macholtz 923-6537
Keith Carr 428-7032
Mike Anderson 923-2542
Kraig Palmer 923-5030

Sub List

Name Number
Wes Sonnenberg 923-6189
Doug Mikkelsen 923-0314
Bill Eberhard 923-0339
Greg Ferro 923-3495
Corey Gooden 923-3625
Bill Meeker 429-5113
Pat McCarty 923-7368
Tim Sykora 923-5995
John Dorn 429-8019

Nectars Scores By Week

|Week 1|  |Week 2| |Week 3| |Week 4| |Week 5
|Week 6|  |Week 7| |Week 8| |Week 9| |Week 10
|Week 11|  |Week 12| |Week 13| |Week 14| |Week 15|
|Week 16| |First Half Recap

|Week 17| |Week 18| |Week 19| |Week 20| |Week 21|
|Week 22| |Week 23| |Week 24| |Week 25| |Week 26|
|Week 27| |Week 28| |Week 29| |Week 30| |Week 31|
|Week 32| |Second Half Recap| 

Nectars Info
Home Page
Best Team Night
Last Yrs Scores
1st Half Scores
2nd Half Scores
Historical Info
Averages by Year

06-07 Scores
05-06 Scores
04-05 Scores
03-04 Scores
02-03 Scores
01-02 Scores

Sub List
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Last Year's Best Team Night
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