Nectars Whirlpool Bowling 2005-2006 Scores!

Below is the Bowling scores for the Nectars Whirlpool Corporation Bowling League!


Nectars 1st Half Bowling Scores 2005-2006
(Updated 12/19/05) - Color Key Here

1st Half Scores Here
2nd Half Scores Here


Night Mark Jerry Bill Todd Tony Wes Keith Tom Wins
8/31 500 Off 560 Blind 517 585 Off Off 3
9/7 Off 521 519 Off Off 611 425 393 4
9/14 398 747 Off 516 504 Off 516 Off 3
9/21 538 Off 469 Blind Off 612 Off 423 1
9/28 Off 607 502 Off 546 Off 569 Blind 3
10/5 507 596 Off 465 Off 537 502 Off 1
10/12 Off 635 428 596 Blind Off Off 418 4
10/19 538 Off Off Off 642 548 497 461 4
10/26 451 648 633 Blind Off 562 Off Off 4
11/2 503 Off 555 608 580 Off Off 461 4
11/9 462 Off 643 Off 629 573 480 Off 3
11/16 466 651 551 Off Off Off* 471 370 1
11/23 490 632 533 Off 590 606 Off* Off* 1
11/30 Off* Off 626 548 613 597 Off 481 4
12/7 Off Off Off Blind Blind 555 544 405 2
12/14 515 609 602 Off Off 625 529 Off 4
AVG. 162.6 209.1 183.9 182.2 192.5 194.3 167.6 142.2
180.3 201.1 198.8 194.6 198.0 192.1 173.2 N/A
178.8 193.3 190.5 187.0 187.3 164.8 164.5 N/A
183.5 192.9 198.3 182.5 186.8 185.8 166.0 N/A
01-02 Avg 175.6 188.0 188.1 178.4 N/A 174.7 158.0 N/A
Offs 6 6 5 6 7 6 6 6

* Designates requested nights off and will not be able to sub

1st Half Scores are Here

Color Coded Scoring Key

Below Average
16 or more Pins Below Average
 +/- 15 Pins
Above Average
16-49 Pins Above Average
50+ Pins Over Average

Regular Bowlers

Name Phone
Mark Jaske 923-3080
Jerry Jaske 429-5074
Bill Babor 923-6933
Todd Melton 923-4629
Wes Sonnenberg 923-6189
Tony Macholtz 923-6537
Keith Carr 428-7032
Tom Kleinmanns 923-

Sub List

Name Number
Greg Ferro 923-3495
Tim Sykora 923-5995
Bob Small 923-6377
John Dorn 429-8019
Bill Meeker 429-5113
Pat McCarty 923-7368

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